FAQs About Ruritans

Community Center

How do I rent the Community Center?

Call  540-234-8338 for pricing and scheduling.

Is alcohol allowed at the Community Center.

Alcohol is not allowed on the property of the Weyers Cave Community Center, either inside or out. People with alcohol will be asked to leave the premises. If an event is being hosted and alcohol is present, the event will immediately be canceled and all guests be asked to leave. There will be no refund.

Is smoking allowed in the Community Center?



Ruritan Park

When are the fields closed?

Fields are closed when they are muddy, since walking or running on them in the mud tears up the grass.

Can anyone use the Ruritan Park?

Although the park is open to individuals for such things using the trail, groups using the fields must register for their use with Martha or Paul at 540-234-8302.  For groups, there is a $5 per child footfee per season. If you have not reserved the fields for your group, you may be asked to leave.

How much does the park cost to use?

The pavilion is $25 and the footfee on the fields is $5 per person per season.


Ruritan Membership

Who may join the Ruritan Club?

Ruritans are open to all regardless of race, sex, or religion.  Members are required attend meetings, pay dues, and volunteer in some of the many fundraisers and community service activities.

How much are Club Dues?

Dues are $142 per year for a full membership. This includes $96 for meals and $46 for annual and district dues.