2024 Projects and Objectives

Business and Professions

Working with BRCC, sponsor businesses and local residents meeting at the college to see what the college has to offer local businesses and residents

Invite community businesses and business leaders to monthly meetings to explain business and projects.

Actively promote and support FLA/Fort Defiance.

Support Augusta County Fair with a financial donation

Work with Augusta County Chamber of Commerce on interacting with local businesses

Tour a Blue Ridge Community College


 Citizenship and Patriotism Committee

Make donations to:

  • Wounded Warrior Project
  • USO
  • Girls Scouts
  • Disabled Veterans

Maintain the lighted flagpole at the Medical Center and the flagpole by the interstate.

Commemorate the 4th of July by lining Keezletown Road with small American Flags from the Medical Center to the firehouse

Encourage members to display the American flag at business and homes on Flag Day and other days as appropriate

Recognize Veterans


Environmental Committee

Coordinate the litter pickup as part of the “Adopt a Highway” program on Route 750. Involve local Scouts or Church Youth in Summer pickups.

Assist in the litter pickup at the Ruritan Park and Community Center as needed.

Work with Augusta County on Spring and Fall clean-up Campaigns – such as the “Hazardous Waste Drop-off” at the Augusta County Government Center.

Participate in a pest control initiative to help maintain local nuisance animal populations to a reasonable level.

Participate in a trash cleanup program with National Forest SErvice on National Forest Trails.

Coordinate with area youth groups and the extension office to implement a tree reforestation program at a local elementary school.

Coordinate with area youth groups and a Trout Unlimited Club to raise and release brook trout into a local stream.

Sponsor a battery collection day.


 Public Service Committee

Make donations to:

  • Grottoes Rescue Squad
  • New Hope Fire Department
  • Verona Food Pantry
  • Weyers Cave Volunteer Fire Department
  • Central Valley Criminal Justice Training Academy Foundation

Offer assistance with the Weyers Cave Fire Department annual Lawn Party.

Donate Rudy Bears for extended stays as gifts to children during trauma and/or emergency situations.

Sponsor Ruritan family picnic for the June meeting

Perform repairs and replacement as needed on the Ruritan signs

Donate to Verona Food Pantry with volunteer help and financial donation.

Sponsor Spring Blood Drive

Help maintain trails in Shenandoah National Park and George Washington National Forest


 Social Development Committee

Make financial donations to:

  • Middle River Weekday Religious Education
  • Clymore Elementary Needy Backpack Pals
  • Augusta 4-H FFA Market Animal Show
  • Young Life Program at Fort Defiance High School
  • Weyers Cave Cub Scout Pack 190
  • Grottoes Little League
  • Hunters for the Hungry Program
  • Skyline Literacy
  • Fort Defiance After-Prom Party
  • Hunter Education
  • Shriners Crippled Children’s Hospital
  • District Dictionary Project

Support Karis with volunteer effords

Sponsor soccer fields in the fall and spring for AYSO, and Fort soccer teams.

Sponsor Breakfast with Santa for the community with free will offering to benefit the Verona Food Pantry.

Sponsor After-Prom Party

Benevolent Fund:  Provide funds for emergency fuel, food or housing as needed.

Youth Fund:  Support special requests for youth clubs/camps/seminars, etc. approved by the club which would enable youth either individually or as a whole, to have opportunities for growth and development they would otherwise be unable to afford.

Support local nursing homes by visiting residents and sponsoring programs with them.

Administer the Weyers Cave Ruritan Good Citizenship Youth Award. Recognize and reward service in the community to five deserving 14-21 year olds who demonstrate the spirit of volunteerism. (up to four $100 awards)