The Weyers Cave Ruritan Club is a small non-profit civic organization. We are dedicated to helping with the needs and strengthening the Weyers Cave Community. We meet the second Thursday evening of every month, usually at the Weyers Cave Community Center at 6:30 pm. A dinner is served by local churches, followed by a twenty-minute presentation about the community.
In June there is a family picnic at the park instead of a regular meeting. Occasionally, meetings are moved offsite to one of the local churches providing the meal for the month.
Ruritan Clubs are founded on the principles of community service. There are many fundraising projects throughout the year, and all money goes back into the community. Goodwill among the members is created as we work together for a common good.
Some of the projects that the Weyers Cave Ruritans support include maintaining the Weyers Cave Ruritan Park, maintaining the Community Center, Breakfast with Santa, Blood Drive, Little League, Scouts, Verona Food Pantry, and supporting local athletic leagues and youth activities.
Ruritans raise money for these projects by selling Weyers Cave BBQ chicken on selected Saturdays throughout the year. Those who cook the chicken are mostly the men, who are there by five in the morning to get the fires going and “just right” after fifty years of practice for many of them! They slowly cook it to perfection.
On election days, plus one other Saturday a year, the club will sell Harry Lee’s Fantastic BBQ Pork. Everyone goes home wishing they had bought an extra pound. It’s that terrific.
Other fundraisers include dinners, concerts, and concessions.
In truth, though, the best part of Ruritans is being part of club that is a magnet for wonderful people. Everyone helps out, gives selflessly, and supports the community. It is uplifting to be surrounded with such a selfless group!